Sunday, March 14, 2010

The 23rd Path, Mem, The Hanged Man

The Stable Intelligence

Begin this meditation by letting your body and mind feel suspended. Darkness surrounds you as you float in the womb of the Eternal Mother, Binah. The only thing in you awareness is the beating of her heart. This cadence provides a peaceful rhythm with which your own hearts blends, a quiet pulsation that gently moves the water around you.

You float in a dreamless sleep with your mind quiet and still, yet a part of your consciousness is aware that you are in this timeless place. The deepest part of yourself seeks what nourishes the womb, the miracle of existence, the Light which created even this enclosed cavern where your embryonic self floats, forming the new body that is yours, the one created by Atonement.

Suddenly, like a birth pang, a bright cross of light flashes and you awaken, an amphibious being in an even great sea, and aquamarine world that sparkles beneath the light of the noonday sun. Water nymphs laugh and splash around you and you find yourself playing with them for a while, joyfully moving in this new expansive space. You then find a trident stuck in stone that is covered with small barnacles and sea plants. Tugging at it allows you to unsheathe the three-pointed spear.

Doing this act unleashes a tidal force so extreme and unexpected that the idyllic world you were playing in disappears in silt that swirls around you like a vortex. You brace yourself with the trident, and the turbulence forms the face of the god Neptune.

Neptune’s hair curls with eels, and he wears a crown of spiky coral with fish swimming in and out of its spires. You sense his attitude is no-nonsense, and that this manifestation, as disturbing as it may feel, preludes a message that is of utmost importance. His eyes hold the pure aquamarine hue of the waters that so briefly nourished you, and you focus on them because the color hold the message of love encoded in the serious words you are about to hear.

There is but One Will, Neptune says. It is time for you to leave the dream of the sea. True freedom is following Divine Will, listening beyond ego’s desire and the phantasmal castles of thoughts and projections.

After he says this, the watery world evaporates. You now are on land, touching your neck for the gills that gave you the power to breathe in the sea god’s realm and find they have disappeared. You have transformed once again and want to protest this change. Memories of frolicking and freedom you had just moments before Neptune’s appearance come back and desire overcomes you to return to the sea, to refuse to be a creature of land.

Neptune stands on mussel-covered rocks and the sea that you felt so much a part of is now separating the two of you. He raises his trident, a thousand times more massive than the one still in your hands, and calls out to you from his perch.

The limitations of time and space create lessons for your spirit. By holding to the Holy Wood of the Divine Tree which makes my trident as well as your own, you will be grounded in the Logos. Let the consciousness within guide you to see that or own inner life is limitless and that it is your ego that keeps you from being whole.

With this your surroundings evaporate into a salty mist that acts like a mirror. You peer into it and see lifetimes portrayed, like endless wheels within wheels, spiraling forward and backward, a continuum of struggles, both small and large, each moment is a dark mirror that holds different degrees of opacity as your soul struggles with consciousness. You wander through the images, using your trident like a dowser’s stick, and it leads you to viewing what you need to see.

You once again feel suspended in front of this pane of mist, floating as you did in the womb, connected by a mere thread to the hubbub of pictures that flash before you. The lives merge into archetypes and projections of various savior gods are superimposed upon images of your suffering. Osiris is torn apart, as is Dionysius in a field of grain. Oden hangs from the World Tree. Mithra takes the form of a bull whose neck is sliced by the sacrificial knife.

An earthquake as strong as the tumult that disturbed your idyll under the sea shakes the world you are now standing on, as well as each that have formed in the mist.

The trident in your hand becomes a cross and the energy from these manifestations is pulled into the wood. Light beams around you, hot as radiation. All myths have joined together to become the One Myth, the One Truth, that God manifested into human flesh, God from God, Light from Light.

You see the letters IHSHVH— Yehasha— Joshua-Jesus, sharing the realm of manifested existence and its ultimate consequences— God willing to sacrifice Himself to open a doorway to revelations of the Eternal. The Kingdom of God is NOW at hand.

Master Jesus then appears before you as Resurrected Man, the Eternal housed by his Body, the same Eternal Light that rests within you. Death is overcome, as is time, and the ultimate judgement has surrendered to the truth that there is ultimately no separation from Love.

With this revelation, you once again float upon a silent sea. This time you have been born fully adult and sit upon a lotus. You now hold the Eternal Light like a candle in your hands. Surrounding you are other points of the same Light as numerous as stars, floating on the sea of the Divine Mother who gave birth to All.

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